mops: the acronym for the digital shift
Maximizing people, process, and technology for better performance
how does mops elevate performance?
Ninety-seven percent of companies with a named MOPS function say their marketing is aligned to key business outcomes, compared to only 68% of similar organizations without one. That focus is supported by the standardization and common language and metrics provided by MOPS; 82% of those at companies with an operations function say that it “gets everyone on the same page.”*
market sectors
B2B organizations with MOPS were 53% more likely to have significantly outperformed their sectors in H2 2020 than similar companies without the function.
marketing attribution
Companies with named Marketing Operations functions are 2.5X more likely to have significant insight into attribution of how marketing actions relate to customer behavior.
This is the heart of how operations contributes; 88% of MOPS optimize throughout the funnel, from first touch to closed/won (vs 55% of their peers).
Infographic – 2021 Marketing Operations Report
mops - the acronym for the digital shift
Improve attribution. Save time and budget. Ultimately, drive greater business value.
2021 Marketing Operations report
"It’s not enough to anoint Marketing Operations and watch the results improve. Like any function, there’s enormous variation in maturity and approach, with each step connected to advances in performance and sophistication."
Econsultancy, 2021 Marketing Operations Report Tweet
Key Findings:
- Marketing Operations helps organizations successfully adapt to new conditions
- Organizations with MOPS outperform their peers in lead generation
- Marketing Operations optimizes the relationship between marketing and technology.
- MOPS organizations are getting results from their data.
- All of marketing is elevated by the Marketing Operations function.
To learn more, download the full report.
70% Growth in revenue
30% increase in performance
62% increase in qualified leads
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